Monday, January 29, 2018

An Inkling of an Idea

is the name of one of my Pinterest boards.  I love my little inkle loom but have not done much with it at this point (too many projects).  For a short time I was volunteering at Common Threads, an organization that uses it's talents to support local charities that help the community.  They are very dedicated ladies who work hard and have a passion to help others.  It was great working with them.

Due to things outside of my control (most things are lol, although that's not always bad :), I stopped going to the shop although I did bring a project home to finish up.

This project has taken forever!  It was a night mare to warp.  This was a great design however I just could not get the ending right!  I  was most intricate design I have worked on so I kept messing up my string placement or I would put a string in a heddle when I wasn't suppose to or I would leave one out.  I was just a nightmare.  I suppose to because I put pressure on myself to get it done ASAP so I could get the loom back to Common Threads, not that anyone else was using it.  This never works out for me.  My husband always just the term "slow is smooth and smooth is fast", you'd think I'd get it by now!

I was using an older, handmade inkle loom.  My small inkle has two tension points, one for getting the warp taut and the other for getting the tension just right.  I always think of a violin.  The larger pegs for getting it in key, the smaller to getting it at just the right pitch/frequency.  However this piece only had the peg for getting the tension to about where I wanted it. When I would adjust it to make it taut is was always crooked and annoying. 

I have finally finished this project.  Because of the side that is messed up I will not be able to do somethings with it that would make my life easier.  I am currently looking for easy projects using 3" wide small strips.  Will let everyone know how that turns out.

I feel I should sign off on my post but can't think of anything that I really like so I think I will use random sign offs from famous people until I think of something sensational, although I hope that doesn't get me into any trouble over copy right issues *yikes*.  Think of it as a tribute to great sign offs.

Dora Fromer...Good Day!

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