Saturday, March 24, 2018

Carolina Fiber Fest, antiquing and the latest projects.

 My MIL is in town and has been catching up on knitting and crocheting projects that she has started over the years.  I thought she might like to check out some new threads and patterns for when she's done, so we went to the Carolina Fiber Fest in Raleigh, NC.  Lot's of stuff to drool over.  So much that I really didn't get any pictures.

This is a beautiful warp from the Triangle Weaver's Guild

Sir Walter's Lacers

 After the Fiber Festival we headed for lunch before heading back to the fair grounds for the antique show.   When we parked we saw that there was also a dog show going on and the ones out happen to be German Shepards.   We watched for a few minutes before heading inside to the antiques.

Overshot Blanket from VA early 1900's

Grace finished a blanket she's been knitting on for a couple of years.  It took her so long because she wasn't very excited about it.  After she was done and the rest of us commented how much we liked it she started a new one out of purple superwash wool and has finished 1/3 in the past few days.  She can be fast when she's motivated.

This is a embroidered biscornu I designed and made for my mom a few years ago.  She had it hanging on the wall when I went over for her birthday so I took a picture.

I finally started a new inkle loom project.  This isn't the best lighting, but it's usually evening when I think to take pictures.  I want to start making more trims.  I could have made this with floss size thread, but used perle cotton size 5 and the weft is six strands of floss.

I made little bags for my sister in Korea and my niece at collage. I love making these.  They are quick and you get to practice free motioning.

I am also working on finishing two projects for a challenge from Aby Dollinger at Aby Quilts.  She runs quarterly challenges and the current challenge is to finish UFO's.  She may be running this again next quarter as well, so check her out and get in on it!

Say Goodnight, Gracie...

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