Wednesday, August 14, 2019

It's been a while...

such is life.  So next week I will start classes at Meredith College.  I am getting a degree in graphic design and I think it will help me further in the direction I am going with my embroidery designs, as well as pattern writing and so forth. 

It has been a hard decision.  I keep telling myself it's not worth my time (or money!).  I may not have everything in life, but I am happy with my life and even with this degree whose to say I will accomplish anything with it.  My family has been very encouraging and they thinks it's a great idea for me to do this. 

I am looking forward to opportunities that are before me and how taking these class will help me in design.  I think my biggest weakness is motivation.  Not motivation to do, but motivation in accomplishing.  I guess that is why I like creating the embroidery designs.  I can create, but there is no goal to reach other than self gratification in the out come of my embroidery.  I love teaching as well.  I have thought of opening a sewing studio and teaching others to sew.

I am making things for my etsy shop besides the embroidery designs to help with the money situation with school.  Please, take a moment and look to see if there is anything that interest you.

Cultivating Creativity,

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