Sunday, September 2, 2018


The key to good digitizing.  Just as in piano, a player can only improve when they understand the theory behind the music and a composer can only be as good as his knowledge in the area of theory.  You can compose a song without knowing what the circle of 5ths are.  However, you can create an even better piece when you know and understand how you get the circle of 5ths.

So lets delve into some embroidery theory over the next few months.  I still consider myself a novice, but I love to study things out and hope that I might be able to shed some light onto a few aspects of digitizing theory.  I have some background in hand embroidery that helps with this as well.

Here are the first couple of lessons we will focus on:

1. Density - What is it, Why does it matter and How specialty threads are effected by it.
2. Underlay - What is it, Why does it matter and How does it effect my design.

I will put out lesson one this month and lesson two in October.

I hope you'll join me as we theorize on how to digitize!

There are no mistakes, we'll just turn that into a happy little tree.
~ Bob Ross
(I love Bob!)

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